Classrooms Beyond Borders – Connecting Students from Russia and Bulgaria’

29 Октября 2021
Classrooms Beyond Borders – Connecting Students from Russia and Bulgaria’


In October, Associate Professor of Graduate School of Service and Trade, Zoya Podoba and Associate Professor Paskal Zhelev, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International Economics and Politics at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) launched the Project ʻClassrooms Beyond Borders – Connecting Students from Russia and Bulgaria’. As a part of collaborative online international learning the second-year students of the master's program “International trade relations” (POLITECH) and first-year students of the master's program "International Business" (UNWE) will work together on Comparative analysis of countries' competitiveness. The project aims to connect students and academics from different countries for collaborative activities and discussions as part of their course study. It is created to enrich learning experience, enhance intercultural student interaction through online engagement, help gaining digital and teamwork skills, and provide opportunities for students to make friends worldwide. The participants in the project come from 7 countries around the world (Bulgaria, China, France, Italy, Laos, Russia, Turkey).


The UNWE, located in Sofia, is the eldest and the largest business and economics university in Bulgaria and Southeastern Europe (SEE). It envisages itself as a leader among the higher schools in SEE educating students and conducting research in the field of economics, management and administration, law and political sciences. Since its establishment 100 years ago the UNWE faculty members and alumni are eminent scientists, public figures, prime ministers, ministers, ambassadors, mayors, businessmen. Among them is the first economist from Eastern Europe selected as the managing director of the International Monetary Fund /IMF/.