Director's welcome address


"We are sincerely glad to welcome you at the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University!

The Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade (IIMET) is the largest and oldest Institute at Polytechnic University. Following the modern vector of development of Russia, Institute trains professionals for industry, competent in economics and management, IT, trade and commerce, HR management, entrepreneurship and international busi-ness development. Integration into the international educational process allows graduates to become professionals competitive at both Russian and foreign markets.

IIMET, being the leader in international educational programs at Polytechnic University, opens up new opportunities for potential partners to conduct joint research and implement international educational programs, and for future students to study at a leading world university, earn a double degree, and undertake internship in leading Russian companies.

Today, IIMET harmoniously combines a high level of education and a deep knowledge in various fields, such as energy, engineering, real estate, entrepreneurship, public administration and so on. Each graduate school has retained its unique educational programs and a team of worthy professionals.

The establishment of IIMET reflected a priority task of developing the national economy in order to ensure its global competitiveness."

Director of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade

Vladimir Shchepinin

PhD, Associate Professor