The 3rd International Conference "DTMIS-2020: Digital Transformation of Production, Infrastructure and Service" was held at the Polytechnic University

20 Ноября 2020
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On November 18-19 the Polytechnic University hosted the 3rd International scientific conference "Digital transformation of production, infrastructure and services: DTMIS-2020".  The event was organized by the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade.

At the opening ceremony Research Vice-Rector Vitaly SERGEEV noted that such events provide not only a good opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and discuss pressing issues but also the significant scientific and educational value.

The positive experience of the DTMIS conference from the last year allowed to significantly expand the geography of the conference participants.  This year due to the coronavirus pandemic it was online for the first time what made it possible to attract even more participants.  More than 500 people took part in the online broadcast, including participants from 12 countries and 8 cities of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Department of Strategic Planning and Development Programs Maria VRUBLEVSKAYA in her welcoming speech emphasized that the strategy that was chosen by the Institute of the Industrial management, economics and trade for international collaboration in educational and scientific activities creates a favorable scientific image and increases the recognition of the Polytechnic University on the international scene.  “This year Project 5-100 has supported a number of the Institute of the Industrial management, economics and trade initiatives important for the University. The impressive results on the new tasks on the scientific agenda were achieved. The institute’s scientific groups have significantly increased their contribution in terms of the number of publications in the first and second quartiles, despite the pandemic situation and all the specifics of publishing activities in the field of economics and management”, -  says Maria VRUBLEVSKAYA.

“The DTMIS conference has been held for the third year in a row and is becoming some kind of visiting card of our institute. The main goal of the online conference this year was the formation of the institutional scientific platform for professional communication of specialists from the academic field, industry and the service sector to discuss actual issues of theory and practice in the field of digital economy and management “, - said the Director of Institute of the Industrial management, economics and trade Vladimir SHEPININ.

The directors of the Higher Schools of Institute of the Industrial management, economics and trade also addressed welcoming speech to the conference participants: Director of the Higher School of Engineering and Economics Dmitry RODIONOV, Director of the Higher School of Management and Business Igor ILYIN and Director of the Higher School of Service and Trade Irina KAPUSTINA. Three large breakout sessions were held organized by the Higher Schools: “Economy and Industry 4.0.  Economic and social consequences of the introduction of innovations”; “Digital transformation of business: industrial solutions, theory, technologies and approaches”; “Management in marketing, service and trade. Quality Management in the Digital Economy ".

The key reports of the conference participants touched upon main issues of innovation in business and management, issues of the digital economy, quantitative methods, computer and mathematical modeling in the field of business process management, human resources and in the field of goods and services in the context of the digital transformation of society.

“Over the past few years the Institute has made significant progress in developing collaboration with international partners. As a result, representatives of 12 countries, including our partner universities, participated in the plenary session. The research results of the key speakers of the conference were obtained in cooperation with the foreign professors. Also, foreign students of the Institute enrolled in the international educational programs in undergraduate and graduate programs took an active part in the work of the sections”, - emphasized the moderator of the plenary session, Deputy Director of the Institute of the Industrial management, economics and trade for International Affairs Nikita LUKASHEVICH.

“Taking into account the on-line format of the conference, we used new approaches to the organization process of this event. First, the online broadcast was carried out not only with the help of the Zoom videoconference program, where a limited number of participants is allowed, but also there was organized an online broadcast of the plenary session on the YouTube channel and on the VKontakte social network that gained more than 2000 views.  Secondly, the conference program was supplemented with so-called "clickable" links: by clicking on the special registration icons placed in the conference program the conference participants automatically were sent to the registration panel of the plenary and breakout sessions of the Zoom platform ", - Olga  KALININA emphasized.

Video of the plenary session is available on:



According to the participants, the online conference was entertaining and fruitful, new acquaintances and ideas for further scientific research appeared.

The organizers will be happy to see new conference participants in year 2021.