
Roadmap for strategic development of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade

In accordance with the Order No. 2762 of 18.12.2019, by decision of the SPbPU Academic Council of 25.11.2019, the University enacts theRegulation on the state final certification for educational programs for higher education, i.e., Bachelor’s degree programs, Specialist’s degree programs and Master’s degree programs 

SPbPU students preparing final qualification works can review the text of the Appendix to this order No. 2762 of 18.12.2019, which provides general requirements for the structure and implementation of final qualification works.

Regulations on Performance Appraisal of the Academic Staff and Research Staff of FSAEI HE SPbPU approved by the Order for the core activity
dated 13.11.2019 No. 2405

Regulations on the procedure for organizing and holding a competition for filling positions of teaching staff of FSAEI HE SPbPU approved by the Order dated 23.10.2019 No. 2219

Regulations on the procedure for voluntary attestation of the academic staff at FSAEI HE “SPbPU” approved by the order dated 24.02.2021 No. 316

Regulations on the Organization of the Educational Process and the Conditions for Training People with Disabilities, approved by the Order of SPbPU dated 11.12.2017 No. 2209

Procedure for distributing students by profiles of study or by specializations of Specialist’s programmes approved by SPbPU order dated 10.07.2019 No. 1544

Regulation on awarding scholarships and other forms of material support for students of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education “Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University” approved by order dated 10.07.2020 No. 1022

Regulation on labor remuneration of employees in FSAEI HE “SPbPU” approved by order dated 09.11.2018 No. 2548

Regulation on stimulation and award of employees of FSAEI HE “SPbPU” approved by order dated 28.03.2019 No. 644

Regulation on the movement of student population (the order and grounds for transfer, termination and resumption of studies, the rules of granting an academic leave)
approved by order of SPbPU dated 11.12.2017 No. 2209

Regulations on Training Students in Basic Study Programmes According to the Individual Learning Path, on the Procedure for the Recognition of Prior Learning and Credits, and Reassessment of Disciplines approved by the Order of SPbPU dated 11.12.2017 No. 2209

Annex to order No. 1352 dated September 10, 2020 Minimum requirements for academic, methodological and research performance indicators of applicants to fill in University academic positions

Educational policy  In management and implementation of higher education study programmes models

Regulation  On internal system of education quality evaluation

Regulation on current and interim performance assessment of students enrolled in study programmes of higher education

Regulations on the Basic Study Programme of Higher Education – Bachelor’s, Specialist’s, Master’s, Post-graduate (PhD) Programmes approved by SPbPU Order dated 11.12.2017 No. 2209

The Procedure for Launching and Terminating Basic Study Programmes approved by SPbPU order dated 04.02.2021 No. 173